On Hold licensed music

On Hold licensed music


On-Hold Music is a treat to the ears and also a great way to break the silence. It is the first interaction a customer has with your business so ensure that it is a good one. You can incorporate on hold licensed music to fill the gap while you’re looking up information to be provided to your customers. The type of music that you choose will speak volumes about your company’s values and your brand image.

We have the best on-hold music available for any phone system:

We have a vast array of musical tracks that will set your callers’ mood right. With our on hold licensed music, you can keep your callers entertained and they won’t crib while waiting on hold.  

Benefits of Using On-Hold Music for a Business

There are not just one or two but many benefits of incorporating on-hold music for businesses. Let’s look at the benefits one by one: 

  • The most significant benefit of on-hold music for businesses is that it reduces the call drop rate. It is essential because more number of call drops can result in a huge potential loss in revenue for businesses. 

  • Your callers will not get bored if you incorporate on hold music. So, keep boredom at bay with on-hold music. 

  • You can also try adding on-hold messages along with the music to keep your callers engaged. Examples of on-hold messages include: 

  1. Our executive will be with you shortly.

  2. Your call is very important to us.

  3. Thank you for holding while we connect you with our representative.

  4. Your remaining hold time is ten minutes.


By incorporating such messages along with on hold licensed music your callers will feel that they are valued. 

  • It should reaffirm your brand promise: Callers usually seek some sort of promise fulfilment from the brands. With the help of on hold, music companies can reinforce their brand’s identity. 


What features do we offer?

There are a lot of features that we offer for your on hold licensed music

  • Licensed Music: We offer you100% legal licensed music.

  • Customized Music: We offer customized music per your specific needs. Our experts will edit the musical tracks to your specific needs.

  • Track Rotation: Wecanmix and match musical tracks and also rotate them per your specific needs.

  • Music per Industry or Sector: We can create musical tracks specific to the industries and sectors of our clients. 

There are many more features that we offer.

Final Thoughts!

Connect with our experts and get the best quote for your business today itself.

Tags: Workplace Music And Telephone On Hold Music - Workplace Music & Telephone On Hold Music, Workplace And Telephone On Hold Music Licence, Music On Hold Australia, Music On Hold

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