Aussie Voiceover
Your message can go anywhere with an Aussie voiceover because they are known worldwide.
Continue ReadingMeet Female Talent 30
Meet Female Talent 30 - The newest voice added to Media Group A breath of fresh air in the voice over world! This talent has great energy and is committed to being a great voice artist. From her first ever job as a wedding violinist, working as a character actor at theme parks through to live theatre shows, and voice acting the arts have always held a big part in her life.
Continue ReadingAustralian Voice
More than once it was the voice that alerted me to the origin of my fellow travellers. There amid the embattled dipthongs of the tortured English language came that reassuring nasal tone so distinct in an Australian Voice.
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Looking for Australian Male Voice Talent at Affordable Cost? Get the free quote and arrange a demo recording. You can’t go wrong here!
Continue ReadingVoice Over Agency
Media Group will arrange your selected voice talent to record a segment from one of your scripts. Then you’ll be sent a link to go online to hear the “free demoâ€.
Continue ReadingVoice Over Showreel Scripts
Media Group, the business audio specialists, have a team of writers well versed in the creation of effective Voice Over Showreel Scripts.
Continue ReadingAustralian Female Voice Talent
Audition the talent. Get the free quote and arrange a demo recording. You can’t go wrong here!
Continue ReadingVoice Over Work Sydney
Voice artists primarily work remotely recording cold voice and emailing the go takes to Media Group for processing, editing, and compiling with sound effects and music.
Continue ReadingVoice Acting Jobs Sydney
If you are seeking a voice for your next project you’ll save yourself a great deal of time and frustration by doing your auditions on line at
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So whether you have a voice people want or you’re looking for a particular voice over artist here’s where you can make it happen.
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