Choose your voice
People in the business of creating audio for a living tend to have a very good ear for picking the right voice talent. But like finding the right song, choosing your voice requires hearing it first. Makes sense right?
Luckily we no longer live in the pre-dawn era of no world wide web. In the pre- internet era producers and copywriters would spend hours contacting various recording studios and hunting through myriad sample reels to audition voices.
A “sample reel” was the voice artists’ calling card. It was usually a 7-inch spool of magnetic recording tape containing an edited selection of voice overs showcasing a variety of the talent’s previous works.
Today it’s a simple matter to get in contact with the widest selection of Australian Voice Over Artists & Actors For Hire Online. All you have to do is head straight to the website of voice artists Australia.
Hear voices in action
You can’t judge a voice if you can’t listen to it. However, the website of Voice Artists Australia, lets you listen to sample recordings of a myriad range of voice talent.
Now wherever you are in the world you can audition voice talent from the comfort of your office. In fact, you can continue to search for that perfect voice anywhere you can connect your laptop, tablet or mobile to the net.
Voice choices made easy
To assist in refining your search all the voice samples have been catalogued and classified by gender, age, style, and country.
It matters little whether you need a single voice or two. Or you may need a veritable throng. Now you have direct access to Australian Voice Over Artists & Actors For Hire Online.
Click. Click. Bang!
Execute the search for that special voice over talent with speed and accuracy. You’ll also get a special dose of satisfaction when you identify the talent and also be able to share your success with colleagues.
Remember this is all happening online. No cab, uber or didi. No mood-altering traffic snarls. Just a few mouse clicks or screen taps and “bang”, the jobs almost are done.
Get a free online quote
While celebrating your success in tracking down the preferred voice talent it’s time to establish some costs. How does a free quote measure up?
Then you can go one step further and get the proposed talent to record a free demo! If you plan to record a script of minimum 60 seconds you can request your chosen voice over to record a short extract from your actual script.
When the free demonstration is complete a link will be sent to go online and listen to the read. Too easy!
Hear the voice talent you are looking for. Head to www.mediagroup.com.au
Tags: Free Voice Actors For Hire, Voice Artist Jobs Online, Voice Over Platforms, Voice Acting Costs, Voice Over Hourly Rate, Voice Over Work, Voice Over Market, Cheap Voice Over
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