Early in my working life, I joined forces with an American musician named Sandy Garrick. We aimed to make our fortune writing jingles. At that time the town really needed another jingle writing duo like a one-handed juggler needs a unicycle.
We called ourselves the Fantasmagorical Epic Taped Concept Hypothesisers! FETCH. We offered free demos. “Let fetch etch you a sketch” went our catchy pitch.
We scored a few gigs but hardly made a dint in our monetary dream. Pondering the dwindling bank account we decided diversification was in order. Retail Music Background Music For Retail Stores. That could be our salvation.
The colour of an “f”
As we discussed this brainwave Sandy mentioned his wife was writing a treatise on the colour of music. When my laughter subsided I could tell by the look on his face he was serious about the subject.
I was familiar with the term “tone colour” which I usually call timbre. However the idea of certain notes or chords having an individual colour was new to me.
Yes I had led a sheltered life. Besides the subject wasn’t covered during Miss Ryan’s tutorials in Psychology 1 at University so I hadn’t studied Isaac Newton’s Colour Wheel. I didn’t realise an “f” was green.
I couldn’t relate the auditory properties of music to the visual qualities of colour. However I did understand both music and colour reflect aspects of human emotion. So I learned to accept that colour has its own form of anthropomorphism.
It didn’t require a great leap of faith to see that if we could convince retailers we could harness this power to influence buying habits we’d have clients lining up.
These days, Retail Music Background Music For Retail Stores is an essential element in creating the right ambience in shops and malls the world over.
Of course playing music at any place of business can be risky. If you plug into the local radio station your customers might hear promotions from a competitor.
However that impost can be circumnavigated by having your shop’s music sourced from the Royalty Free Music Libraries of Media Group AU.
You could be in total control of what music is playing at your place. You can select a play list from a music genre that will appeal to your customers without the risks or the ever increasing licence fees.
Tags: Background Music For Retail Stores, Best Background Music For Retail Stores Download, Retail Music Background Music For Retail Stores, Best Background Music For Retail Stores, Music For Retail Stores Playlist, Playing Music In Retail Stores Australia, Background Music Suppliers, Retail Music Background Music For Shops