Putting out a welcome
Often the welcome mat to your business is put out over the telephone. So it’s important to get the job done right. After all you don’t want to risk chasing away prospective business.
Even existing clients won’t be too impressed if you greet them with a badly worded, poorly spoken and static–ridden recording.
Sharpen your pencil to the max
You may feel quite daunted when it comes to writing a script, even if it is only a short greeting. Knowing How To Write A Welcome Message could have you procrastinating over where to begin, let alone deciding what to say and how to say it.
It’s about this time you need to call on the professional help of Media Group the business audio specialists.
Aside from feeling the “weight of the word” (sic) lifting off your shoulders, you’ll soon discover Media Group can also provide your operation with a lot more than How To Write A Welcome Message.
So many questions. So easily answered
Have you considered your After Hours Message or the directions callers are given to leave a Voicemail?
How about providing callers, especially your regulars with the time saving convenience of an IVR ir Interactive Voice Response.That’s the message that automatically connects callers to the right department or person…Press 1 for Accounts; Press 2 for Service etc.
Then there is the big one. The On Hold program. Who is going to write and record that essential piece of business communications?
Or are you content to risk chasing callers away and boring them to extremes by utilising the mind-numbing, computer generated rubbish that came built-in to the telephone system?
Worse still! Are you planning to have the aptly named “deathly silence” left to masquerade as your solution to keeping callers on hold?
Ask about a package deal
Step into the 21st century and start maximising Antonio Meucci‘s wonderful invention of 1849. The device later patented by A.G. Bell in 1876 and called the telephone.
Take a small step towards a great leap in your company’s communications here at www.mediagroup.com.au
Tags: Welcome Text Message For Customers, Welcome Message Template, Welcome Message Quotes, Welcome Message For Website, Welcome Message For Students, Welcome Message For New Employee, Welcome Message For Friends, Facebook Welcome Message Examples