Queue Message | Out Of Office Phone Messages
When a caller telephones and is greeted by a professionally recorded Queue Message tempers don’t flare and hanging-up is avoided. The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) will direct them to select a number to progress their call; for example Press 1 for Accounts, Press 2 for the Service Desk and so on.
What happens next can be critical to your business relationship with the caller. Let’s assume the person they are calling is temporarily unavailable, perhaps they are attending to an urgent situation. If the phone just rings and rings what impression does this make on the caller? Do they think they’ve been left “out to dry?”
Again the Queue Message will come to the rescue. In this instance, it’s time for the Out Of Office Phone Messages to save the day.
For those times when the individual can’t answer the phone, and those instances are often unpredictable, Out Of Office Phone Messages keep the caller “in the loop”. These messages are more than a mere courtesy. They let callers know yours is a professional business determined to deliver excellent service and concerned about every customer’s valuable time.
If your telephone system has the capacity to record a short message from the caller, the Out Of Office Phone Messages will be programmed to offer this service to the caller. Then when the individual is back in the office they can replay the caller’s message and act on it or proceed to make a return call using any contact details provided.
Media Group is business audio specialists. They know the positive impact that Out Of Office Phone Messages can have when they are expertly written, clearly recorded and spoken by professionally trained voice over artists.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover with Media Group the costs involved are very reasonable.
Whether you require one Queue Message or a series, including Out Of Office Phone Messages for several departments, Media Group have the expertise and experience to make sure your customers, both new and existing, always remain happy to call you.
Tags: Queue Message, Out Of Office Phone Messages, Professionally Recorded Queue Message