Having produced many of her commercials over the years, we think that Female Talent 16 is one of Australia’s best copywriters. But Her skills don’t stop there.
As well as being able to write an award winning commercial, she is also one of the best voice artists in the country.
She is one of those rare talents that can sound like an upbeat 21 year old in one read and a warm mature person the next.
We caught up with Female Talent 16 and asked her a few questions about her career.
How did you become a voice talent?
I think I was born that way, I was one of those annoying kids always trying different accents. As a radio copywriter, I was often called upon to voice commercials and it was the favourite part of my day. The ability to voice was also a great asset when I needed to direct other talent on a script.
How long have you been a voice talent?
12 years out on my own (gosh how time flies) and about the same in my radio career.
Do you remember the first voice over you ever got paid to do?
I don’t remember the voice over – but I remember the rush of it – the thought that I could do this for a living was a dream!
What’s the best voiceover you have ever done?
I was the voice of a French Crepe for a café – not sure if it’s my best, but it’s sticking in my memory – I love an anthropomorphic challenge!
What’s the worst voiceover you have ever done?
There’s no single ‘worst’ voiceover – there are scripts that make we want to cry because the idea is fantastic, but there’s just too many words to do it justice.
Do you have a favourite commercial on TV at the moment?
Purely for entertainment value, I enjoy love the Budget Direct commercial where Captain Risky is hanging up in a tree asking a kangaroo for help – the look on the kangaroo’s face is priceless. One of my all time favourites, that makes me laugh out loud (even if I just think about it) is for Uncle Tobys Le Snak from 2013 – the child being scared by the monkey is hilarious (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DacKdLQHVMI) – it’s just a split second in time, but if ever I need a laugh, that’ll do it every time.
If you could voice the part for a cartoon character who would you like to be?
It’s one of the things on my bucket list! A female version of Felonius Gru from Despicable Me would be wonderful please.
Do yourself a favour and have a listen to Female Talent 16’s demo on the link below.
Contact us to book Female Talent 16 to record your next project now.