Male Talent 30 is a favourite amongst our customers. He has a great range of read styles from friendly retail reads to strong, bold voiceovers or he can sound like your friendly next door neighbour.
As well as a talented voice artist, Male Talent 30 also knows his way around a production desk, having been an audio engineer in the radio industry for over 25 years, producing thousands of commercials for businesses across Australia. This experience is a huge advantage when it comes to doing voice overs.
We caught up with Male Talent 30 and asked him a few questions about his voice over career.
How did you become a voice talent?
It pretty much coincided with me getting my first job in radio, I would occasionally get called on to voice a little something for the commercial producer. As time went on, I got better at it.
How long have you been a voice talent?
About 25 years...I started when I was 3, ha! just kidding!
Do you remember the first voiceover you ever got paid to do?
Yes I believe that was in Perth and I did some pre recorded voice over for a fashion parade, it may have been the first time I was directed by ad agency folks too. I liked the paycheck! I thought to myself, this is worth pursuing!
What’s the best voiceover you have ever done?
I honestly don't know if I can answer that, I have done so many over the years. I like doing character reads.I remember doing a spot years ago where I played an old farmer, I was only 21, but I was pleased with the end result, the music and fx combined well with the voice and so the audio illusion was very effective, I like it when that happens!
What’s the worst voiceover you have ever done?
Any overwritten, cliche filled, yell sell...one was for a lottery, the sped up terms and conditions section was longer than the main content...honestly sometimes I wonder why we need to say "terms and conditions apply" in commercials, don't terms and conditions apply to everything we do in life?
Do you have a favourite commercial on TV at the moment?
I Don't really watch current commercial TV, but my all time favourite was the classic VB spot with the late great John Mellion...
that was a good one.
If you could voice the part for a cartoon character who would you like to be?
At the moment I've been watching Happy, so I'd love to do Christopher Meloni's imaginary unicorn friend. that's a clever and totally insane show... Once upon a time I would've said any character on The Simpsons, but I'm going to be controversial
and say that it's time The Simpsons called it a day... (should've ended when they released the movie in my opinion!)
Male Talent 30 is available now, contact us to have him voice your next script.
Click here to listen to his demo - http://www.mediagroup.com.au/voice-artists/all/all/AU/Radio/4