Why use a professional voice artist rather than recording your own advertisement.
We have all heard those terrible DIY voice recordings on telephone answering machines. Maybe that’s OK for the home phone, but on a business telephone the voice you hear IS the business. It must project the image of the business as a professional operation.
Take the DIY voice one step further and you might hear it undermining the company image on a website or destroying the company video presentation.
The amateur voice is not a problem when it is recorded as “100% sound”. That is if the speaker is talking directly to camera. The problems begin when it’s a voice over. In film parlance that means the voice is heard over whatever is seen on screen. And in audio it refers to the voice being heard over background music and sound effects.
Humans will accept a “crook voice” when it’s coming from someone speaking directly to them. But when a voice is heard coming out of the ether, the human brain isolates every little flaw and exaggerates each fault to the Nth degree!
The DIY voice becomes a distraction and steals the listener’s attention and so undermines the message instead of reinforcing it.
When you use a professional voice artist you not only avoid the problem of the listener being distracted, the trained voice will add real impact to the recording and ensure your company’s message gets the attention you intended.
Whether it’s your telephone On Hold Messages or your latest Corporate Video don’t be tempted to scrimp a few bucks and do it yourself. Hire a pro. The professional voice artist will present your company with the desired image and brand personality.
Media Group has an extensive range of professional male and female voice artists that can be listened to online at the company’s website. www.mediagroup.com.au
You can also arrange to have a free demo recording sent to you via email. Find out more by calling Amanda on (07)5551 0288
Tags: Voiceovers, Voice Over, Media Group, Professional Voices, Voice Talent, Voice Arstis
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