Sound like you mean business.
When a client or new business prospect calls, get started by giving them the best impression. Let them know they are dealing with an organisation that knows how to project the right “image”.
The quickest and best way to achieve this is through the use of Professional Phone Greetings. When the call is answered customers should hear a welcome message spoken by an experienced voice artist. The message should be clear, well written and recorded in a proper audio studio.
First impressions last.
Your callers should be left with the feeling that you care about them and you value their support. This is even more important when all your phone lines are busy and you have to place a caller ”on hold”.
Nobody likes waiting in line, but having Professional Phone Greetings can go a long way to softening the blow. They will also help avoid callers hanging-up and taking their business elsewhere.
Your recorded greeting might incorporate an Auto Attendant feature also known as an Interactive Voice Response or IVR. This facility allows the call can be directed to a particular department or destination; Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Service etc.
The caller may also be invited to speak with Reception or stay on the line and talk to the first available member of your team.
Keeping it professional.
At Media Group, the business audio specialists, you can take advantage of the company’s vast resources and experience in creating and delivering the very best in telephone messages.
You can choose a single Welcome Message or select a package that includes A Welcome Message, On Hold Messages, After Hours Messages, Voice Mail directives, and other specialised phone messages.
Media Group will even write and produce a Free Demo On Hold Message especially for you. The Free Demo will feature professional voice talent and be produced to the same high standard found in all the company’s work.
Discover more about Media Group and arrange your Free Demo Message by visiting www.mediagroup.com.au
Tags: Professional Phone Greetings