Beware of choosing the voice talent based on gender
In times past and prior to the rise of the “me too” movement, women were often classed as the weaker sex! How things have changed, and rightly so.
One area of male domination that has slipped quickly into equality is the business of voice acting. Today the Female Voice Over Artist commands equal or better pay than her male counterpart. She is more successful in the audition process and is often first in line for a call back.
However it might be controversial to assume this rise to the top is purely based on gender and not on feminine ability to outperform men in front of the microphone.
Women’s share of voice is outstripping the boys in many fields
Television ratings don’t lie. A quick glance at the figures will reveal some major changes. Viewers are tuning in by the thousands to watch netball, and the women’s cricket, both in limited over form and Test matches.
Also on the rise, and at the expense of the men’s games are the numbers flocking to watch women play Aussie rules and soccer (football).
Even in the hallowed halls of the Wimbledon Tennis finals the winners cheques are interchangeable!
Time to embrace the new paradigm
Rather than hiding under a rock or rejecting the new order, we all need to move with the times. This applies especially in the traditional “jobs for the boys” domains of the media and marketing disciplines.
One company that is providing more equal opportunities for the Female Voice Over Artist is Media Group, the business audio specialists.
From their headquarters and studio complex located on Australia’s Gold Coast, Media Group provide voice over and audio production services to radio/TV stations and production companies in Australia, New Zealand, the Asia Pacific and beyond.
Finding the right voice artists has never been easier
Next time you require a voice to suit your new TV or radio campaign. Or a special voice over for a corporate video, eLearning presentation or telephone program, go to the Media Group website and click away.
Without getting up from your chair you’ll be able to audition hundreds of samples by male and female voice over artists. You can refine your search by style, age group and language. And when you have narrowed your choice to one or two click again to get an online quote. Too easy. Go to www.mediagroup.com.au
Tags: Female Voice Over Online, Female Voice Over Actors, Female Voice Over Talent, Voice Over Jobs, Freelance Voice Over Jobs, Voice Over Artist Website, Looking For Voice Actors
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