The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Voicemail Message Sample
Voicemail is still helpful for businesses and employees who want to talk to each other in this busy world. Writing a good Voicemail Message Sample can make a big difference for clients, users, and coworkers. When setting up a voicemail for business or personal use, it can be helpful to have a clear sample message that puts you in a professional light.
Parts that are important to know about a Voicemail Message Sample
This is what a good left message should have:
- A Friendly Hello: Start with a friendly tone to make a good first impression.
- Your Name And Job Title: If you need to, clarify who you are and what your business is called.
- Please let them know quickly why they can't reach you.
- Time To Respond: Tell people when you plan to call them back.
- Any Other Ways They Can Contact You: If you can, give them another way.
- The Right Way To End: Be polite and thank them at the end of your letter.
Voicemail messages that show what people have said
An example of a business-like voicemail
"Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]." I'm not free to take your call at this time, but I'll get back to you right away. Please write down your name, number, and a short message. Thank you.
What a Customer Service Voicemail Should Sound Like
"Thank you for calling [Name of Company]." These are our work hours: [work Hours]. If you need help immediately, please go to [Website URL] or leave a message with your name and how to reach you. We'll get back to you right away.
How a Personal Voicemail Looks
"Hi, my name is [Your Name]." I'm sorry, I can't answer right now. Leave a message, and I'll call you back right away. "Thanks!"
Follow these tips to record the best voicemail message.
- Keep it Short and Clear: Texts should be less than 30 seconds long.
- Always speak in a friendly and polite manner. Your message should be helpful, so your tone should match that.
- Talk down and be transparent. Before calling, make sure that everyone can understand what you're saying.
- Don't record your message where there is a lot of noise around you.
- Change things a lot. Tell your message that you'll be away for a long time or on vacation.
- If you talk too fast, people who call may not be able to understand you.
- Not Saying Your Name—Be sure to say your name and/or business.
- Not having a professional tone—It can come across badly if you sound bored or rushed.
- Not Giving Me Another Way to Contact You—If you can, give them another way to contact you.
- Don't change old messages—Make sure your message says you're ready.
Things you should never do wrong on voicemail
If you write a good sample audio message, people will be likelier to talk to you, and your message will stick with them. If you follow best practices and write in a structured way, your words will be clear and professional, whether for work or fun. Spend some time making a good left message that shows who you are. It will make calling people easier and faster.
Tags: Voicemail Message Sample Personal, Short Voicemail Greetings Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples For Cell Phone