Over and over, in surveys around the globe, most respondents identify their greatest fear as “Public Speaking”.
It never ceases to amaze me how people who can blab tete a tete non-stop for hours, can suddenly become totally tongue-tied, silent wimps.
That same phobia to public communication usually extends to telephone messages.
We’ve all heard those horrible recordings and amateurish greetings. You may be responsible for creating some of those telephone disasters. That’s why we need a Voice Mail Solution that will not confuse or confound callers.
Always remember that the message callers hear on your Voice Mail Greeting is a pertinent representation of the way you do business. Simply put, a shitty greeting equal lost opportunities.
Say Hi to progress
While we are in “survey mode” here is another pertinent result. It’s been well proven how most people always want to work with business professionals.
Don’t risk giving a caller the wrong first impression because they will probably hang-up and call one of your competitors.
So if your telephone is putting out anything less than the best impression, you may risk being condemned to flounder forever in the amateur ranks.
Don’t panic. Your Voice Mail Solution is as close as a screen tap or mouse click and a one-on-one chat with the team at Media Group Au.
Choose a great telephone voice
Sound the way you want your business to sound. Media Group Australia have experienced male and female voice artists who can project the “business image” you desire.
Think about maximising your professionalism on the phone. In addition to your Voice Mail Messages have Media Group AU create a complete package of telephone messages including On Hold, After Hours, and IVR Prompts.
Start online now by listening to samples of the available voice talent. Make your choice or create a shortlist. Then click to request a free online quote.
Tags: Voicemail To Email Australia, Virtual Voicemail Service, Personal Voicemail Service, Best Voicemail Service, Voicemail System For Small Business, Free Voicemail Services, Business Voicemail Service, Grasshopper Voicemail