Voice Prompt Recording | What Is A Voice Prompt? | Voice Prompt Recording Services
It’s no fun waiting in line while someone tries to connect you to the person or department you have called! However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Voice Prompt Recording can help make sure it doesn’t happen to your callers.
What Is A Voice Prompt? As the name implies it’s a simple direction to assist a caller to get straight to the destination they require. You will have heard examples like “Press 1 for Sales; Press 2 for Service” and so on.
Voice Prompt Recording is a feature all your customers will appreciate. It lets them know you care about their time and demonstrates how serious you are about doing business properly.
Sometimes referred to as an IVR or Interactive Voice Response your Voice Prompt Recording is a great way to help streamline your company’s telephone answering procedures.
So where do you obtain a Voice Prompt Recording for your telephone? Media Group, the business audio specialists, supply Voice Prompt Recording Services. You can order yours as a single audio file or as part of a package of telephone audio including Messages On Hold, After Hours Messages and Welcome Messages for example.
Now you know the answer to What Is A Voice Prompt? And decided a Voice Prompt Recording will improve your telephone response times, you should consider the Voice Prompt Recording Services available from Media Group.
As experts in the field of business audio, Media Group have access to the widest selection of professional male and female voiceover artists, they employ a team of experienced copywriters and talented engineer/producers working out of the Media Group state of the art recording studios located on Australia’s Gold Coast.
It’s important to make sure your business telephone system operates as efficiently as possible. You need to demonstrate to your clients that you have their best interests at heart. So it’s vital you don’t keep them hanging on the line.
Make a move today to help streamline your telephone response times by arranging the recording and installation of a Voice Prompt Recording.
With Media Group providing your Voice Prompt Recording Services, everything can be done online at the click of a mouse or a tap on a smart device.
Tags: Voice Prompt Recording, Voice Prompt